Sunday, October 26, 2008

Goodbye, Blue Monday - 7"

goodbye, blue monday's self titled 7"

I am originally from Pennsylvania. During my search for various emo bands I've invested time in finding groups that originated there. Frail, The Spirit Assembly, Ethel Meserve all of these bands have been groups I've grown to love mainly because of their association with my home state. Goodbye, Blue Monday is an off shoot of Frail in some form. I originally got this record from a blog post on Used Bin Forever. The album represents that midwest emo sound that is so prevalent in many Pennsylvania bands like Frail and Ethel Meserve. The group isn't as spastic as Cap'n Jazz or Spy vs. Spy instead relying on building up more melodic portions in the style of more indie based groups like Mineral and The Get-Up Kids. Great pretty unknown record though. 'Chicago Coin' is clearly the highlight.

Goodbye, Blue Monday - Goodbye, Blue Monday (1996)


Allsnop said...

This looks like great stuff, man. And I've been trying to find stuff from 90 Day Men for awhile now. Great posts as usual, great stuff.

blend77 said...

hey. thanks. you know, i had never heard this 7". i had always meant to, but never got around to it. when i was listening to Frail a few years ago i wanted to find it to finally hear it, but its not so prevalent.

anyway, thanks for posting it. i always loved the pennsylvania stuff..